On September 14th Caroline and I flew out to Colorado Springs to attend our 3 week cross-cultural training course. The name of the course is SPLICE which is an acronym for Spiritual, Personal, Lifestyles, Interpersonal, Enjoy/Endure. The aim of the course is to prepare us for ministering to a people who come from a very different background than we do.
For instance, if I hire an employee to help me at the microfinance site and he's not doing well and it comes to the point that he needs to be fired. Should I do it myself and tell him face to face or should I get a mutual friend to let him know? Well, in America I would been seen as cowardly if I wasn't direct but in Latin America, this confrontation would be seen as rude and spiteful. They would choose the second option...which seems terrible and cowardly to Americans.
So there are tons of examples and lots to learn so we can try and avoid these cultural mishaps which are a real barrier to missionaries. There are 35 missionaries and 20 kids here with us and 7 missionaries from SI. Aaron and Rachel Kelly are the same age as us and will be serving with SI Guatemala. Aaron will also be starting a Microfinance site so we've had a lot to talk about...especially with the DOW dropping 500 points twice in 3 days!!!
We hope to add some pictures soon so stay tuned.
Ryan and Caroline
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