MiBanco Esperanza from Los Higos

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Goodbye Harrisonburg

Top 10 things we'll miss about Harrisonburg:
  1. Living within walking distance from most of our friends
  2. Gladdeus/Dfunk
  3. Large Group
  4. Houses with names
  5. Covenant Presbyterian Church
  6. JMU campus in the Spring
  7. Seeing the Blue Ridge Mountains while you drive around town
  8. Fall
  9. Dave's Taverna
  10. Being less than 5 minutes from 3 different parks

Top 10 things we won't miss about Harrisonburg:
  1. Office jobs
  2. The dog food smell
  3. Parking tickets
  4. No beach
  5. Temperatures below 20 degrees
  6. Walking uphill
  7. Driving from one side of town to the other
  8. The 6am train
  9. Moving twice a year
  10. being a "Townie"

It's hard to believe but, 5 years later, it is time for us to leave this town. We have lots of great memories here and we're certainly sad to go. We'll be in Poquoson for a couple weeks and then it's Guatemala for training on July 6th. Here's an update on our finances. You'll notice our total needs have changed. We were responsible for raising $4000 to start the microfinance site and $200/month to maintain it. A US organization donated all the money to bankroll the entire project. ...God answered that prayer!

Total Need Total Raised % Remaining Need
Pre-Field Budget $25,000 $18,000 72% $7,000
Monthly Budget $2,500 $2197 88% $301