As you may know, the MF Site has recently gotten a major upgrade: Ryan 2.0 or, as he's more commonly known: Eric Miller. Eric is taking my position, he bought my car, he bought all my stuff, and is living in my apt. If we hadn't told people, they might not even have known I left.
Eric is a 2010 graduate from Bethel College with a degree in Accounting. He and I first met back in Fall 2009 when he was my semester student here in the DR. I joked about him coming back one day, and he mostly laughed, but now he's SI staff and committed to serving here for at least 2 years.
He has big plans for the site. He's planning to add at least 3 banks this year and that's if we don't hire another employee, which is also in the works. He wants to improve the business coaching aspect of the site and also better define the end of the borrower's loan cycle.
If you'd like to stay up-to-date on what's going on than you can follow Eric's blog.
It's going to be exciting, and surreal, to sit back and watch what God does with the site once I'm gone. I'd be a little nervous about leaving if I didn't know that God put the perfect people in place. Eric is going to do a great job, and I'm sure he'd appreciate your prayers as he learns on the fly.