All 6 cabins getting ready to watch a skit. Each cabin has 10 boys and 2 counselors. The first week was for boys 8-12 and the second week for boys 13-17. I sent 5 boys the first week and 10 the second. All the pictures are from the first week.
Jim Welch with two of my boys. Jim is inspiring and I always love when I get to connect with him. He's the founder of SB2W and his son Kyle was in my college small group.
Morning exercises.
Gotta show those teeth if you want your table to get dismissed. The boy in the blue jersey is Luis Miguel, one of my favorite boys from El Callejon.
Back in 2005 these steps were just a river bank. Ryan Joyce (My college small group leader) and I labored hard on creating this river access.
Romans vs Galatians. All the boys are part of one of the two teams and they compete throughout the week in various sports and activities. The Romans one for the first time!
That's a Tarantula. I found it outside my bunk. Definitely the biggest spider I've ever seen.
Have you ever wondered what a pineapple plant looks like?
Gladdeus help clear the land and dig the footer holes for this cabin.
The view from below the spider web. Each boy has to pass through a different hole, but if you touch a rope you've gotta start over.
Learning how to play Ultimate Frisbee.