Highlights of our vacation:
-spending 24 hours in the JFK airport (not really a highlight but definitely worth mentioning)
-doing Christmas baking, cooking, and eating
-American shopping
-time with friends and family
-being able to spend Christmas with our families (instead of over Skype like last year!)
-Caroline visiting family in Massachusetts
-Ryan being a groomsman in Andrew and Brittany's wedding
-staying in the house that the Whites rented for 3 nights for Andrews friends with many of our college friends
-Nathaniel and Brett's wedding
-visiting Covenant Presbyterian Church
-receiving very generous and awesome Christmas gifts from people from Cov Pres
I could go on but you would get bored. Overall we had a fun, event-filled but restful vacation. Here are some pictures.....
Some of us at the house in Williamsburg that the Whites rented for us. This picture I think is a combination of caroling, a Propel advertisement, and general awkwardness.
Andrew and Brittany's first dance. They are adorable.
Brandon at the meat carving station.
The dancing train.
Nathaniel and Brett's wedding. First dance.
The Into Hymn girls serenading Nathaniel and Brett with "Feels like Home," which is me and Ryan's song....even though he is convinced it is he and Tripp's song :)
Brandon's comedy show
Ryan holding June Coleman...Kyle and Melissa's beautiful baby girl.
A guy dressed up as the Statue of Liberty dancing at a major intersection in Newport News. Our guess is he either lost a bet or was advertising Liberty Tax Services....but he had no sign or anything that said he worked for them.....